Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dr. Oz Update

So after following all of the advice from Dr. Oz  show I posted about, in 3 days I managed to lose 1 whole pound. I just started the vitamins on Saturday so hopefully by Wednesday it will be at least another pound gone.

I am officially addicted to the Dr. Oz show. I watched the show about Bed Bugs which was really disgusting I must say but right after the show was over I had to go and inspect all of our beds, and after inspecting 5 beds came to the conclusion that we are not infested with bed bugs so HOPEFULLY it doesn't come to our town anytime soon.

Did anyone else watch this show? It really makes me thing before I go to a movie theater or anywhere really. All I can say is DISGUSTING.

Well thats all for now, football is on and I do actually like watching from time to time, well only when its a team that I like.


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