Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Menu Plan 9/21

Sunday-French Toast
Monday-Yogurt and granola
Tuesday-Muffins and fruit
Wednesday-Egg in a hole
Friday-Scrambled eggs and ham
Saturday-hash browns and eggs

Sunday-Hot dogs and fries
Monday-Grilled Cheese, grapes, cookie and fruit
Tuesday-Salad, fruit and mini candy
Wednesday-Sandwich, cookie, pudding and fruit
Thursday-Sandwich, grapes, fruit, pretzels with nutella and mini candy
Friday-Salad in a taco shell, grape tomatoes, fruit and pudding
Saturday-english muffin pizzas

Sunday-Pizza and salad
Monday-Spaghetti, garlic bread and salad
Tuesday-Macaroni and cheese with meat mixed in. Veggie
Wednesday-Fried Chicken, mashed potatoes and asparagus
Thursday-Corn dogs and fries
Friday-Lasagna, garlic bread and salad
Saturday-Chili and cornbread


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